WORD"A University Grammar of English" by Randolph Quirk and Sidney Greenbaum provides a comprehensive analysis of English grammar for academic audiences. This seminal work delves into the intricacies of English...
In "ABC of Common Grammatical Errors," Nigel Turton presents a concise and invaluable guide to navigating the often tricky terrain of grammar. With a focus on clarity and precision, Turton...
English Grammar & Composition: A Textbook of Class 9th, 10th - PTB (Punjab Textbook Board) is a foundational resource for students in Pakistan, specifically designed to meet the curriculum requirements...
"English Pronunciation in Use: Advanced" authored by Martin Hewings stands as a definitive guide for learners seeking mastery over English pronunciation at an advanced level. Within the pages of this...
In the realm of language acquisition and understanding, Muhammad Shahid Khan introduces a groundbreaking resource: the Gender English to Urdu Urdu to English Dictionary, published by ILMI. Designed with meticulous...
"The Handbook of Sociolinguistics: 1st Edition," edited by Florian Coulmas, stands as a comprehensive and authoritative resource in the field of sociolinguistics. With contributions from leading scholars, this handbook offers...